Vertica Bhardwaj

  • Associate Professor of Instruction
  • Textiles & Apparel
  • Human Ecology

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Collaborative consumption (via renting/sharing/non-ownership based consumption); Consumer ethics and social responsibility in fashion & apparel industry; Counterfeiting and sustainable consumption; Branding; Cross-cultural consumer behavior, and Retail pedagogy  


  • Bhardwaj, V., & Bedford, S. C. (2017). (Not) Made in Italy: Can Sustainability and Luxury Co-exist? In Sustainable Management of Luxury, Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes (pp. 411–426). Singapore: Springer. 2917-2_19  

    Sullivan, P., Bonn, M. A., Bhardwaj, V., & Dupont, A. (2012). Mexican national crossborder shopping: Exploration of retail tourism. Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, 19(6), 596-604.

    Bhardwaj, V., Eickman, M. & Runyan, R. C. (2011). A case study on the internationalization process of a ‘Born- Global’ fashion retailer. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 21(3), 267-281.

    Bhardwaj, V., Park, H., & Kim, Y-K. (2011). The effects of Indian consumers’ life satisfaction on the antecedents of loyalty towards U.S. brands. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23(2), 105-116.

    Park, H., Lim, C-M., Bhardwaj, V., Kim, Y-K. (2011). Benefit segmentation of TV home shoppers. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 39 (1), 7-24.

    Bhardwaj, V., & Fairhurst, A. (2010). Fast Fashion: Response to changes in the Fashion Industry. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20 (1), 165-173. [Among the Top 10 most cited articles in IRRDCR]

    Bhardwaj, V., Kumar, A., & Kim, Y-K. (2010). Brand Analyses of a U.S. Global and Local Brands in India: The Case of Levi’s. Journal of Global Marketing, 23 (1), 80-94.

    Bhardwaj, V., Kim, Y., & Kim, Y-K. (2009). Competitiveness of U.S. and Local Brands in the Indian Market. In Joel R. Evans (Ed.), Strategic Retail Challenges and Opportunities in Uncertain Times, Hempstead, NY: Academy of Marketing Science, pp. 25-29.